Facts About underground shelters Revealed

It is an undeniable fact that we live in a world where all-out nuclear wars are not just a crazy idea in a science fiction novel. With almost all countries being nuclear capable, any spark could lead to major destruction. With this in context, the importance of making ourselves ready to survive any such breakouts can not be stressed enough. While some may dismiss this very easily, when such situation arises, it does not help to feel sorry. Technology today is capable of providing solutions that will ensure that you and your family along with your belongings are safe and sound. To get the best out of this, we need to be aware of what the market has to offer and then determine which solution will be the best in our case. With a view to educate the reader, the following article discusses some of the most important innovations which can safeguard your loved ones from any threat of destruction both natural and human.

Underground Bunkers

These are building designed specifically to survive massive damage. They usually have more than 5 inches of thick concrete along with other insulation that can take a huge amount of shock. Built to sustain even a nuclear bomb, these buildings are the best way to make sure that things and people you hold dear are well protected. Built with the use of finest knowledge and technology, underground bunkers for sale provide a great safety solution.

NBC Filters

NBC or Nuclear Bio-Chemical filters are yet another great innovation built to safeguard your household from harmful gases that may be used during warfare. This device, once set up will automatically filter gases that can cause harm and convert them into to safe a breathable air. Fit inside survival bunkers, they provide a wholesome answer to our security needs. When bio-chemical threat has to addressed, these filters become mandatory as no other product is specifically made to filter out all the harmful chemicals that may used. Bunkers without the filters would be incomplete. Even if you survive a blast, without the filter, it would not be possible to survive the poisonous air.

Blast Doors

All doomsday bunkers for sale need to have at least two blast doors installed. Main entrance and an emergency exit should ideally be the only two ways of getting in and out to ensure maximum safety. With these two doors well protected and capable enough absorb ridiculously high amount of shock as in the case of a bomb blast, you can be sure that your bomb shelter is worth all of what underground shelters you paid for.

The vast majority of people that are planning to bunker themselves in a SHTF event are utilizing small to mid size bunkers capable of supporting 4-6 people for roughly 6 months to a year.

In a nicely appointed bunker you can control your temperature, air quality and sanitation through readily available systems that can be purchased for bunkers.

I personally don't feel that a bunker (again this is a commercial or private bunker, not a government complex) is a viable long term survival option for many reasons. Foraging outside of the bunker will become necessary, which means leaving the bunker and entering. There's no limit to what can happen and the second someone knows where your bunker is at is the second your bunker becomes a liability.

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